

or, why there’s been no new pedals for a while Good morning everyone – I hope you’re all doing well. I thought I’d put a few words on the site about how things have been at HQ, and also, to explain why there’s not been a single new pedal from since before we’d…


This Too Shall Pass

Hello everyone – I hope you’re all well and safe. 2020 was… well, a nightmare, wasn’t it? Not least for us musicians – as if following our passion for music wasn’t already tough enough, COVID-19 caused arguably the worst global disruption in a generation, and removed the ability to play live music completely. All this…

Angel of Rock Distortion Pedal

The Angel of Rock Arises

This little beauty is the Angel of Rock. it was designed to be the greatest and best rock distortion pedal you can possibly get hold of, with a tone reminiscent of the Marshall JTM45. Simple to use, with Drive, Tone, and Volume knobs, a Rhythm / Lead toggle switch and a three-position Bass Tamer toggle…


The Vein Tap 2 Has Been Improved

Now then, now then. Here at, we’re not used to repeating ourselves (ahem) or pushing old products into new packages and calling them “new” (this one actually is true). However, we realised that the Vein Tap 2, the dual output tap tempo pedal we offer, could do with just a little tweaking. That’s why…

Vein Tap 2 - Dual Tap Tempo with Polarity Switch

Announcing: The Leech

Ladies and Gentlemen, we here at are beyond thrilled to announce The Leech. It’s a great little switch that can bleed a beautiful crunch or clean sound out of a lead amp channel, adding an extra dimension to your playing dynamics. CheckĀ The Leech Passive Volume AttenuatorĀ out here. Enjoy!

Leech Passive Volume Attenuator Logo Launches!

It’s done; it’s official; it’s finished; it’s ready. Yep, that’ll do. Over the next few days and weeks we’ll be including more videos, articles, hints, tips and tasty titbits relating to the most stylish tap tempo ever created. In the meantime, see what we’ve done so far, enjoy having a look around and maybe even……
